Saying No to anyone is probably the toughest job in the world. But the fact is, you just can’t help everyone all the time. There may be moments when you’re worried about doing something but you simply can’t offer anyone, so you have to annoy them by saying NO.


How could you say no to others without hurting them?


Well, saying no is an art. And, here are a few hints that will help you become advanced at the same time-

  • Time is a rare commodity; value it

Time is a precious commodity; it is an asset of interest. We’ve just got 24 hours a day. And all of us have our own goals. Getting an unpredictable proposal from some team members to help with his / her tasks can, therefore, add up to a lot. Being supportive is fine because you know that it’s not going to cost your performance. But it’s not going to be a good idea to compromise your job performance while you’re busy helping others. After all, by the end of the day, how much you do at the job is all that’s going to matter.

  • Be nice, just don’t overdo that

Understand, saying no doesn’t mean you ‘re going to push others over. When you say no to anyone, you don’t have to be aggressive. You just need to show the other person that they don’t really have your hands to help them, even though you would have loved to. Be polite to them. Empathize with them, but do not overdo it at the same time. Words like, “I ‘d be happy to help you when I’m done with my job” or, “I ‘d love to help you.”But I’m already approaching my deadlines “can help the other person understand your concerns.

  • Be firm; you can’t do everything for everyone, every time you do it

No matter how hard you try, someone or someone else is going to be unhappy. So stop messing with that stuff and stick to your goals. Remember you can’t do it all for all, every time. So, initially focus on more important things for your life, and then think about how much you can do for others. Be polite when you say no, and tell them that your plate is already full of responsibilities.

  • Don’t be regretful, it stinks

Saying No doesn’t suck. Yet, at the same time, being sorry about something that you know is going to have an adverse effect on your results hurts even more. So, if you say NO to anyone because you’re still too busy with your things, don’t be sorry. It’s important to be respectful, but that doesn’t mean you have to be sorry every time you switch someone down for helping them with their work. Overall, there’s nothing wrong with saying NO as long as you don’t do anything to upset someone’s feelings!

  • Suggest an alternative option

Sometimes, no matter how much you believe you could support the other guy, you have to say no because you’re still distracted by your goals. Just to make sure that the other person doesn’t get insulted when he’s stuck in a rut, try to think of any options to get his job done. If you think someone else might be able to come to their assistance, then you can suggest that person. You can even tell them the route to work on the activity and suggest they try it on their own.

  • Practice the art of saying NO   

Dedication, empathizing, time management, and organizing are some of the parts that you need to pursue to master. And saying that NO is one of them, too. Practice the habit wherever and whenever you can. A brilliant way to do that is to stand up in the mirror, gaze at it, and try to say no. You can even do a little roleplay rehearsal for some of your mates to see how it goes from there!

Saying “NO” is actually saying “YES” (to the things that matter)

Saying no is not being selfish. It’s wise for the little time you’ve got every day.

When you say no, it means you understand your goals and what’s essential to you. And while it’s not always convenient to do, it allows you to build a routine life filled with sense and ambition.

At the end of the day, the choice will be completely yours. Whether or not you need to support others is up to you. Yet one thing you can not ignore is that if you say yes to anyone, you say no to yourself!